Hey! I’m Amy, the new receptionist and office assistant here at Fast Horse. I’m originally from a small city just outside of Atlanta. When my parents decided to make the big move to the Midwest, we ended up in Wisconsin for a year. My parents then decided to move to Minnesota, and I’ve been calling this place my home for the past 13 years.
A few interesting things about me:
- I got my B.A. in global studies from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. It took me five years and three universities to finally graduate. I love learning about different cultures, peoples’ perspectives and the world.
- I’m quite the unique child in my family. I am the tallest, have freckles, have a gap between my teeth and don’t have a middle name.
- I’ve hiked one of the most dangerous active volcanoes in Europe: Mount Vesuvius.
- I broke my left fibula when I attempted to longboard for the first and probably last time. I now have a scar, one plate and seven screws in my left ankle.
- Photography is a new hobby of mine. I enjoy taking landscape and lifestyle photos.
- I love to travel. I believe the best way to learn about yourself and the world is to travel. Every year I make it a goal to go somewhere new. My favorite places are San Francisco, the Greek islands and London.


On an active volcano with a view
Thanks for reading and getting to know me! See you in the next Peepshow!