This summer, four creatives set out from Minneapolis for the West Coast in search of inspiration. They would see creative places. They would meet creative people. They would hopefully return a little worldlier, a little wiser, and with a little bit of inspiration.
They called the sojourn “Creatives Go West.” Fast Horse was there to hook them up with gas money.
Kudos to Grant Spanier, Vince Koci, Jake Woodbridge and Laura Fitzpatrick for embarking on their journey.
Now the Goers West have gone and come. They are digesting one hell of a road trip. What insights were wrought from their wanderings? What souls have been unearthed by their searches? It’s still too soon to tell. But they have returned with some traveler’s advice. If you deign to venture West yourself, keep these things in mind.
Scenic as it may be, Idaho is no friend to the traveler. The Goers lost two hours when a failed filming session left them with a misplaced Chevy Malibu.
If there’s one thing the Goers learned, it’s that they’re lucky. We’re creative for a living. Life is good.