(Not) Easter Bunnies
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a guest post by Shelley Chirhart, Marketing/PR volunteer with the Minnesota Companion Rabbit Society. The Minnesota Companion Rabbit Society (MCRS) is a volunteer-run organization dedicated to improving the lives of companion rabbits through education and adoption. Shelley has been volunteering with the group for six years and is the proud owner of a friendly bunny named Violet.
Make Mine Chocolate! The Campaign To Save The ‘Easter’ Bunnies
By Shelley Chirhart
This coming Sunday, thousands of people across the country will present their loved ones with sweet, fluffy bunnies as presents for Easter. Unfortunately, the novelty wears off quickly and families are left with a pet that they don’t know much about and didn’t take the time to research properly.
To help bring awareness to this issue, the Minnesota Companion Rabbit Society has once again partnered with “The Make Mine Chocolate” organization. The goal of the Make Mine Chocolate organization is to help reduce the number of “Easter” bunnies that get adopted during this time of year and then end up in shelters, animal welfare groups and rescues across the country in the months that follow.
The temptations are everywhere right now — cute, adorable, cuddly looking bunnies are in every POS display in all the major retail stores. As if that wasn’t enough, The MCRS and The Make Mine Chocolate organization are facing an uphill battle this year due to the recent success of the animated movie HOP. The movie opened at number one at the box office and had the luxury of 92 marketing partnerships — including one with Burger King that has HOP featured in kids meals.
The Make Mine Chocolate organization encourages you to think twice before adopting a bunny as a pet. This Easter, please consider these facts before bringing a pet rabbit into your home:
This Easter, why not make it a CHOCOLATE candy bunny or a cute stuffed bunny toy instead? MCRS sells Truffle Stuffed Toy Rabbits for $5.99 plus tax at area Petco stores and various MCRS Supply locations. All proceeds from the sale of these bunnies benefit the efforts of our organization.
If you are still curious about rabbits as pets or already have one and want to learn more, we offer free monthly Bunny Basics Class at the Animal Humane Society to educate the public on their behavior and care. Contact MCRS for more information: 651-768-9755 or info@mn.companionrabbit.org.