MNfashion Week highlights Minnesota’s fashion scene


I’ve always been interested in modeling and fashion. Having recently returned from Los Angeles, where I got a taste of the fashion scene there, I was eager to check out Minnesota’s fashion scene during MNfashion Week 2010.

The event, which wrapped up Sunday, gives local designers and boutiques a chance to show off their best stuff. The week features shows, in-store events, discussions and, of course, a bunch of cool parties.

On Friday, I went to the Pale Rider fall runway show at the MNfashion Atrium in Minneapolis. It marked the first-ever fall runway show produced by MNfashion and featured designers Raul Osorio and Danielle Everine.

It was a fantastic show! No two outfits were the same — and the creativity that went into the designs was amazing.

To me, fashion is a unique form of marketing. It’s a way to market yourself, creativity and individuality.

We are all our own designers and marketers of ourselves. What we wear everyday can say a lot about us and who we are.

What does your wardrobe say about you? Are you confident, insecure, shy, bold, creative, old, young, ordinary, edgy? Did you wake up happy or sad, tired or full of energy?

Let your clothes be another way to market yourself and show the world your creativity and what you have to offer.